Saturday 18 September 2010

planning my forthcoming trip.

Around end of October 2010 I will be setting off for Mallin Hospital once more. For most people the terrible events that began on 26th. April 1986 when an explosion and fire at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine sent clouds of radioactive particles into the atmosphere have been forgotten. However the children who inherited this deadly legacy are constantly living or dying from its effects. The poisoned land inside the Exclusion Zone with it abandoned villages and farms is a testimony which will last for hundreds of years. In Ukraine life goes on people struggle to make a living, Politician's as in UK have their own selfish agenda, Chernobyl is remembered in annual parades but the struggle of everyday life for many people must take precedence. My trips to help the sick children in Mallin Hospital are a small gesture in helping, but at least I know that I have tried.

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