Tuesday 10 August 2010

Planning my next visit

I hope to return to Mallin Hospital children's Department late Oct. early Nov.this year 2010.Last year 2009 I was unable to go to the village where Bohdan Sobolevski lives because of the swine flue quarantine restrictions. This time I want to visit other villages as well as his, in the Zheetomir Region. I am going to go by bus which allows me to carry more items compared to flying which is too restrictive.The hospital now has more abandoned children than ever before according to the Doctor in charge . I must continue to do my best to help.
In this country as citizens we are told that an accident at a British Nuclear Power Station of the same magnitude as the 1986 catastrophe at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station is impossible. When you visit the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone ( which you can do as a tourist ) looking at the effects of the radioactive legacy you sincerly hope they are 100% correct.

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