Friday 21 August 2009

Dog Story 2

Returning from looking at all the artist's displaying their paintings in a street market, I headed down a steeply cobbled street towards the river. It was a very interesting street with a small theatre and small picturesque church.View photo of Theatre. I noticed a statue further down the street, (see photo)leaving the statue I wondered who he was, his name is in the Ukrainian language. Hearing snuffling and whimpering I looked down to see 5 puppies trotting out from under a parked car,a black and white collie dog was on the pavement near the beige coloured pups. Camera ready I started to take some photo's of the pups when I heard snarling and felt a sharp pain in my leg,I jumped round nearly dropping my camera. The collie was hanging onto my leg,I managed to free myself by spinning round. Needless to say all I got was a photo of the sky,no puppy photo's. After this dog bite I had a couple of marks on my leg,thank goodness I had been for my anti rabies injection prior to that years visit.