Thursday 17 March 2011

Bohdan's operation

I am happy to say that the operation on Bohdan's eye has been successfully carried out by Dr. Elena Akimenko at a hospital in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. He is now back with his sisters and other abandoned or abused children in Kobyln Rehabilitation Centre
after several months there he will be moved to an orphanage. A further visit to the hospital will take place in a year when another lens is going to be fitted to his eye. But the important fact is he can now see with both eyes which is fantastic. When I have any more news regarding Bohdan's situation I will put in on a blog.
My annual Chernobyl Vigil is going to be on Tuesday 26 April 2011 in George Square, Glasgow, Scotland. This is going to be my twenty fifth annual Chernobyl which will begin at 08:00 hours finishing at 20:00 hours.
Watching the news coverage of the catastrophic earthquake and Tsunami in Japan with hundreds of thousands of people suffering is terrible. Having the ever present threat of radiation from Fukushima Nuclear Power Station arriving must be impossible to comprehend for all living in Japan.

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